đź“Ł New Podcast! “Romans 8:1-16 Devotional: Freedom in Christ and Life by the Spirit”

đź“Ł New Podcast! “Romans 8:1-16 Devotional: Freedom in Christ and Life by the Spirit”

Welcome to Christian Talk with Eric Thompson, a thoughtful podcast helping Christians navigate life. A podcast for christ bring faith, family, political issues, using God’s word the Bible. The victory is ours. Let our light shine before others so they may glorify our Father in Heaven.

Hi, Welcome to Christian Talk. Thank you so much for joining me. I’m out here in beautiful state of Oklahoma and Broken Arrow.

Welcome me for your local This is our new devotional series. I’ll try to get these out in the mornings in case you’re headed to work, getting up with the kids. We’re just sitting down for your devotional time over some scriptures with you as we get our days started. One of the scriptures that hits my mind almost every morning when I’m getting started is Lamentations three twenty two through twenty three.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness, It’s a new day.

What we did yesterday that was great, or what we did yesterday that was not great? What we did yesterday that made much of Christ? And what we did yesterday that dishonored our Lord. We need to lay those at the feet of Christ. He gets all the glory for the things we did good, and He has permanently extended forgiveness for the things we did wrong. So Lord, we confess our sins today, and we know your faith will just to forgive us and cleanse us, so we can enter into this day with an untainted communication line.

Though we know we have eternal salvation, we want to be in communication with You and in prayer all day. So Hebrews four twelve and thirteen is crucial to me, and it’s one of my foundational verses because there’s so much deception in the world, there’s so much untruth in the world. Let’s see, the Hebrews is one. The writer is one of forty men who penned God’s word over fifty teen hundred years on three continents.

This is the only word of God for the only about, the only one God, and one Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, one Holy Spirit. And it says writer Hebrews four to twelve tells us then that the word of God, because God, the Holy Spirit inspired the man, is alive, and it’s active, and it’s sharper than any double edged sword. It penetrates even too, dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

So today be encouraged. We are in the Word of God that is alive, and Lord were praying that it will judge our thoughts and attitudes so that we can repent if our flesh is getting in the way of our relationship. Paul then says, well, then all scripture two Timothy three sixteen, all scripture as God breathed and useful for instruction, for conviction, for correction, and training up in righteousness, so that the Man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work. So this is why we go into the words.

So the Word says that God’s mercies are new every day. Praise the Lord now over. In Romans chapter eight, this is a chapter. I went through the whole chapter with a college group one time, and I’ll never forget it because I saw their eyes wake, you know, open, because traditional religion and Paul when he was dealing with Judaism as a former rabbi, they were trying to appease God with good work, sacrifices.

You may be someone who tries to say, why are things going bad? What did I do wrong? Even though you’re born against Christian what you may go. You may have been going to or have gone to or heard a heretical wolf teacher who is trying to put the burden back on you. Oh, you need to, you need to come to church more. You need to.

You need to tell us your financial situation. We are the shepherds over you. Or you may go, you may hear this false teachings of Oh if you since God said and spoke the universe into existence, if you speak what you want, God has to give it to you because you are a child of God. We are made in the image of God.

Or well, if you don’t tie, God will put a curse on you. You know, I mean all of these rules, all these laws. But Paul saying, look, if you’re born again, which means that you were called by God, you were given the faith you believe. You confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

You accepted his finished work on the cross, that when he said to tell us that it has finished, he conquered death in Christ. Then your your sin has been conquered permanently. You’re a child of God can’t use your salvation. But Paul saying, well, then there’s no condemnation for you.

For me, condemnation is comes from for the believer. Condemnation comes from Satan and his demonic host that fell. The lie kill and destroy. The lie is that God doesn’t love you Christian.

The lie is you’re not good enough, you messed up. No, there’s no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, not who simply believe he is or was, or him about words about him. To be in Christ means that you that you have elevated Jesus Christ as Lord. You that you’ve that you acknowledge that.

Don’t you, like Paul said in Christians, don’t you realize that you’ve beenmbodied a prist therefore glorified God, which with your body and spirit with your God’s So that mindset is okay. Jesus, I’m lifting you up that you can draw all men unto yourself. I thank you that you die for me, and I thank you for the good works that have been laid out before I was even born. And Holy Spirit, teach me, help me to understand the words that I’m learning today, Help me to share the words give me opportunities, but may they be your words, God, not my words.

So walking in the spirits since Paul Seniverse three, that is where the power is, is the Holy Spirit working through us because the law that we were trying to keep to please to please God. Like the false little religions of the world, especially one of the biggest ones in multiple Arab nations, they think by doing deeds, even if they’re violent, you’re going to please God. But that’s not what the Bible says. Ro Mystry continues God to help the believer to be atoned for, to to have this sanctification justification imputed to them, just as though they didn’t.

We have not sinned. Jesus sent his own son and the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering, and so he condemned sin in the flesh in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who live not according to the flesh, but according to the spirit. Is this an easy thing for you to believe or is this seem like a natural extension of your walk. I’ve covered this idea in the last couple podcasts, and I just wanted to throw it in one more time here.

Pilgrim’s progress is good to watch, especially the latest cartoon version, I think, because it just shows this battle that we can have as believers with doubt and stress and carrying burdens today, if you haven’t already purpose in your heart to put off the weights that are instead or holding you back that you’re caring, put off those regrets and everything. If you wouldn’t do it today, whatever you did, and you confessive to the Lord, then let it go. Learn from it. That’s the part of growing.

But there’s no condemnation. So any whispers of condemnation comes from the demonic world. Remember Inphesians, Paul said in verse chapter six, verses ten through thirteen, Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the full armor God, so that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.

For our struggles is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you may be able to resist on the evil day. And having done everything to stand firm. Stand firm, therefore, having belted your waist with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having strapped on your feet the preparation of the Gospel of grace, in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith, with which you’ll be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

So as we close this podcast, it’s devotional today a reminder there’s no condemnation. Christ came, lived the perfect life, according to the scriptures, was crucified, according to the scriptures, rose on the third day, according to the scriptures, appeared over five hundred believers at one time following the resurrection, and after forty days, rose to Heaven, sitting at the right hand and seat of our Father and Heaven interceding for us as our great high Priest who sat down, which means it is finished. We have one mediator between God and man. So today go to the one mediator, go to the one way to God, into the holy holies.

Because there’s no condemnation. You can come in and say, Abba, Father, help me, bless me, thank you, bless my children, help me with my children, help me with my finances, help me make this year count for the kingdom, and verse seventeen of Romans eight. We’ll finish here now. If we are children of God.

If we are children, well let’s go to sixteen. The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God. Now, if we are children, then we are errors, errors of God and co errors with Christ. If indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in His glory today there is no condemnation.

Tell your children, co workers, and believe it in your heart. This is coming from God’s word, which is holy. God breathe, It is alive, it is truth. So may today, may you make much of Jesus.

May you not be under the law, or you know you’re not, but don’t buy into the lie that you’re under the law. You cannot do enough good things today to please God. The Bible tells us our best deeds are like filthy rags. Anyway, it is only through walking in step with the Holy Spirit under the finished work of Jesus Christ, that is who we are.

We are children of God. We have been sanctified, justified. Our sanctification is is gonna. It doesn’t come to fruition until glorification, but walk walk in a manner that makes much of God in humility.

Because Paul and Philippians too says this to us, the believers. Therefore, if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from His love, if any common sharing in the Holy Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, Paul said to the church in PHILIPPI make my joy complete by being like minded, having the same love, being one and spirit in of one mind. This is how we live our lives and humility. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or bancncy.

Rather, in humility, value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests, but each of you to the interest of of the others. In your relationships with others. Today, other believers have the same minds of Christ Jesus. We want to be servants.

We want to not be stepping on people. We want to be making much of other people, putting family members, spouse people in our lives that God has moved on our hearts. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus. Here’s the mindset we should have.

How humble, what should be our desire well Jesus, who, being very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be holding onto. But rather Jesus, God the Son, made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness, and being found in appearances a man. He humbled himself. That we are to be pursuing humility to this level, which we can’t do because God became man and became obedient to death and died on a cross for us.

But our heart should be that we should so want Christ to be pre eminent in our lives. The people see us, they see that we are joyful, humble, steadfast, strong in our walk, but serving in our heart. There is no condemnation because you and I are in Christ Jesus, and he came went to a cross, and he has now risen and he’s king, and he’s coming again. And we are co errors with Christ.

So put on your armor today. You’ve been in the words, so be in prayer today. Understand that you’re going to be fighting off the darts from the enemy. But there’s no condemnation.

Correction comes from God as a believer. Condemnation comes from the evil one, and he’s got no power over us because we are in Christ Jesus. Amen. Hey, I did want to thank you guys for listening.

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Thank you for checking that out. Thank you for sharing this again. Be encouraged. Thank you, Lord, for saving us.

Thank you for encouraging us. Jesus, thank you for the cross. Lord. We want to be corrected, so teach us.

But what we know that you love us. Help us to sit under good elders and pastors at our church, guide and direct our steps. And may we make much of you today in a world that so desperately needs you. In your name, we pray Amen.

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