In an Episode from “New Amsterdam” a doctor explains to a mother that her son’s tumor grew because of internalized racism.
Year: 2024
“What is going on in America is Romans 1 being played out.” — John MacArthur
Romans 1:18-32 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since […]
LISTEN: MSNBC Claims There is a Recording of Trump Saying He ‘Lost’ the 2020 Election, That’s a LIE
MSNBC aired a recording of President Trump conver sing with Variety journalist Ramin Setoodeh regarding the 2020 election. MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace asserted that there is […]
MSNBC’s Joy Reid Shaves Her Head After Reporter Trolls Her For Having ‘Trump Hair’ (VIDEO)
Joy Reid of MSNBC sported a fresh haircut following criticism from RAV’s Ben Bergquam, who had mocked her for having ‘Trump hair.’ Recently, Bergquam encountered […]
HUGE – Trump Leading Biden In All 7 Swing States—Inflation And Immigration Top Voter Concerns
Former President Donald Trump would beat President Joe Biden in all seven swing states if the election were held today, according to a new survey—the […]
Joe Biden Gets ‘Worst-Ever’ Polling Result in Democratic Stronghold
President Joe Biden’s favorability rating is its “worst ever” in the Democratic stronghold of New York while former President Donald Trump has made minimal gains in the state, […]
Federal Authorities Detain Eight Individuals Linked to ISIS in Major Cities
Nationwide Sting Operation Leads to Arrest of Eight with Suspected ISIS Ties In a coordinated nationwide sting operation, federal authorities have apprehended eight individuals in […]