Biden Drops to All-Time Low Approval Rating – Pollster Suggests Dropout ‘Threshold’ May Have Been Hit

Pollster Nate Silver warned Monday that President Biden’s approval ratings are so low that it may be time for him to reconsider seeking re-election in November. 

“Biden just hit a new all-time low in approval (37.4%),” the data analyst and founder of  FiveThirtyEight wrote on X, referencing his organization’s latest average of the president’s job approval numbers. 

“Dropping out would be a big risk,” Silver argued. “But there’s some threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger risk.”

“Are we there yet? I don’t know,” the polling guru acknowledged. “But it’s more than fair to ask.”

The question came on the heels of a devastating revelation for President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign.

This prompted Silver’s to ask, “the question”.