Former White House Physician Ronny Jackson on Biden: “Biden is Not There, He is Not Mentally Fit.”

Congressman Ronny Jackson (R), who previously served as the White House physician, joined in President Trump’s birthday festivities in West Palm Beach, Florida.

During the event, Rep Jackson reflected on his time as a physician to three past presidents and offered his perspective on President Biden’s cognitive abilities.

“I took care of three Presidents. I was at the White House for 14 years on active duty as a Navy physician,” Jackson said.

“You know my President is Trump, you all know that right?” Jackson said.

“I’ve seen what it takes mentally and physically to do the job of President. And I can tell you right now Biden is not there. He is not mentally fit to be our Commander in Chief, to be our President. He is an absolute embarrassment to this country. He is putting us in danger. Look at what he has done to our southern border, look at what he has done to our reputation overseas,” Jackson continued.


Congressman Ronny Jackson @RonnyJacksonTX speaks at President Trump’s birthday celebration with Club 47 in West Palm Beach, FL

— RSBN (@RSBNetwork) June 14, 2024

Video footage shows Biden wandering off.


Worrying scoop from G7 as diplomatic source tells me Biden “losing focus” in world leader sessions here in Italy.

Another says “it’s worst he’s even been” at an international summit….

— Harry Cole (@MrHarryCole) June 14, 2024

Biden was slurring his speech while sitting with leaders at the G7 meeting.

BIDEN (slurring): “The decisions I think we make now are gonna determine the course of our future for the next five or six decades!”


— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 13, 2024

ICYMI: Trump Hints At Yet Another Possible VP Candidate