CNN Guest Sparks Outrage After Comparing Trump to Hitler in Heated Debate

During a heated exchange on CNN, Democratic strategist Aisha Mills shocked viewers by comparing former President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler and accusing him of wanting to “exterminate” LGBTQ+ people of color. The fiery debate, which aired on Erin Burnett’s show, unfolded as Mills clashed with Republican strategist David Urban over Trump’s recent comments on immigration.

Mills, a frequent CNN contributor, pulled no punches in her critique of Trump, invoking her racial and sexual identity to emphasize the gravity of her concerns. “As a black lesbian who Donald Trump doesn’t believe has genes as good as his, is he going to attempt to exterminate me when he gets elected?” Mills asked rhetorically, implying that Trump’s rhetoric toward immigrants and minorities hinted at dangerous authoritarianism.

Mills’s comparison of Trump to Hitler came as she discussed the former president’s comments about immigrants, where Trump suggested that he would take harsh measures against those he deemed detrimental to American society. She argued that Trump’s remarks echoed the rhetoric of totalitarian regimes, particularly Nazi Germany.

“Listen, this isn’t the first time we’ve heard this kind of talk from Donald Trump, and it reeks of authoritarianism, and it also harkens back to a time of Hitler,” Mills declared. “The way he’s talking about it is he wants to purge the immigrants, right? He wants to get rid of all of the immigrants and has said that he would do some pretty nasty harmful things to them because they don’t have good genes.”

The conversation quickly escalated when Urban, who has defended Trump in past interviews, pushed back on Mills’s inflammatory remarks. Urban pointed out that Trump’s comments were directed toward illegal immigrants convicted of serious crimes like murder and rape, not against the broader immigrant population or marginalized communities.

“I’m not going to sit here and put up with this,” Urban said, clearly frustrated by Mills’s comparison. “I am a very good guest normally, but Aisha, for you to compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler on 10/7 is just shameful.”

CNN host Erin Burnett interjected at this point, pressing Urban about Trump’s rhetoric. “David, I mean, is this rhetoric, say you believe in the racehorse theory about bloodlines?” Burnett asked, trying to steer the conversation back toward a more substantive discussion.

Urban continued to challenge Mills, arguing that her comparison was both inaccurate and harmful. He called Mills’s comments extreme and misleading, particularly the notion that Trump’s policies would result in the persecution of minority groups.

But Mills refused to back down, growing visibly angrier as Urban continued to counter her claims. “As a black lesbian who Donald Trump doesn’t believe has genes as good as his, is he going to attempt to exterminate me when he gets elected?” Mills asked again, doubling down on her earlier statement.

Urban, clearly frustrated by the accusation, asked Mills to explain why she held such a belief. “Really? Why do you believe that, Aisha? Why do you believe that?” he asked.

“Because he’s damn near said it, that’s why, David. That’s why, OK, and I’m not gonna be lectured by some white man who has no idea what he’s talking about and is trying to rewrite history here!” Mills shot back, raising her voice and expressing her anger toward both Trump and Urban.

The heated exchange quickly went viral on social media, with clips of the debate circulating widely. Critics of CNN pointed to the segment as another example of the network giving left-leaning guests more freedom to engage in personal attacks and extreme rhetoric without sufficient pushback.

Many social media users, particularly on the right, were quick to condemn Mills’s remarks as overly dramatic and baseless. Some argued that comparing Trump to Hitler was not only factually wrong but also minimized the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime. The invocation of race and sexuality by Mills to shut down Urban’s arguments also drew criticism, with some accusing her of using identity politics to stifle legitimate debate.

Supporters of Mills, on the other hand, applauded her for speaking out forcefully against what they view as dangerous rhetoric from Trump and his supporters. They argued that Trump’s policies, particularly toward immigrants and LGBTQ+ individuals, do in fact threaten marginalized groups, and that Mills was right to call attention to these issues.

The broader context of the debate revolves around Trump’s well-documented comments about immigration and his hardline stance on issues such as border security. During his presidency, Trump implemented several policies aimed at curbing illegal immigration, including family separations at the border and attempts to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

However, Trump’s rhetoric has often been criticized as inflammatory and racially charged, with some accusing him of using fearmongering tactics to rally his base. Mills’s comments on CNN reflect this broader critique, though her comparison to Hitler and accusations of genocide drew significant backlash for their hyperbole.

As the 2024 election approaches, it’s clear that debates over Trump’s rhetoric and policies will only become more contentious, especially as he continues to be a dominant figure in American politics. The CNN segment with Mills and Urban is likely just a preview of the heated discussions to come as both sides gear up for what is expected to be another polarizing election season.


AISHA MILLS, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Listen, this isn’t the first time we’ve heard this kind of talk from Donald Trump and it reeks of authoritarianism and it also harkens back to a time of Hitler, who used the same exact language that Donald Trump is now quoting to talk about the people who he thinks are poisoning the blood of the nation.

You know all of this smells like an affinity towards eugenics which really should give us all pause because when we remember the last person — the last awful authoritarian dictator who believed in eugenics it was someone who really uh wanted to exterminate an entire people because they thought that they didn’t have good genes, and because they were trying to create a certain type of race. Donald Trump has himself said that his parents, his father raised him to believe that they were superior to others because they had good genes.

Now, what does that mean? The way he’s talking about it is he wants to purge the immigrants, right? He wants to get rid of all of the immigrants and has said that he would do some pretty nasty harmful things to them because they don’t have good genes.

I don’t think that this is just rhetoric. I think that we need to take this —


MILLS: — seriously and understand where his inspiration comes from. And today of all days, it is just really savage that this is who he’s quoting and that he’s quoting Hitler.

URBAN: Come on, Erin, I don’t want to swear —

BURNETT: David, I mean is this rhetoric, say you believe in the racehorse theory about bloodlines?

URBAN: Listen, I’m not going to sit here and put up with this. I am a very good guest normally but, Aisha, for you to compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler on 10/7 is just shameful.

Number one, he was talking about murderers, people who came into this country and murdered Americans, okay? So let’s not try to string together a bunch of quotes that weren’t put together there, different points in time to try to make it look like something he didn’t say.

He was talking about 26,000 people, rapists and murderers in this country, and he said in my opinion and it’s not just Donald Trump’s opinion, there are scientific studies out there about nature or nurture about murderers, whether they have some sort of genetic predisposition to murder people and he’s talking about the people who murdered Americans, not eugenics not some made BS, Aisha. So, listen, I’m sorry that Donald Trump feels like standing up for people who may have been murdered by immigrants and want to deport illegal immigrants who are here — criminal, violent, aliens — and want to kick them out of our country to protect Americans, but that’s okay in my case.

He’s not talking about eugenics. He’s not — to compare him with Adolf Hitler today, I find it particularly offensive.

MILLS: Listen, we can fact-check this all — all day long.

URBAN: So just stop, so just stop.

MILLS: David’s hot — David’s hot air is not going to rewrite the history of the words that Donald Trump himself has used. This is fact.

URBAN: Aisha, read the words he used today.

MILLS: He has long talked about genetics. Well, I’m talking about the history of everything he’s ever said. So you can have short-term memory, David, for the sake of going into an election and like doing Donald Trump’s bidding, but this as an American —

URBAN: Aisha, let’s talk about Kamala Harris’s short-term memory.

MILLS: — makes me really concerned. As a Black lesbian who Donald Trump doesn’t believe has genes as good as his, is he going to attempt to exterminate me when he gets elected?

URBAN: Really? Why do you believe that, Aisha? Why do you believe that?

MILLS: Because he’s damn near said it, that’s why, David. That’s why. Okay, and I’m not going to be lectured by some white man who has no idea what he’s talking about, and is trying to rewrite history here.

URBAN: Aisha, shame on you, Aisha. Erin —

MILLS: I am afraid, as an American, of a Donald Trump presidency and his actual quotes on why —

URBAN: Shame on you, Aisha.

MILLS: — because I take him seriously, and I think that he believes what he says and that is why he is a danger and a threat to America.

One thought on “CNN Guest Sparks Outrage After Comparing Trump to Hitler in Heated Debate

  1. AISHA MILLS, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST-another hemorrhoid in the ranks of Liz and Dick Cheney, Stawell, Kinzinger, Pelosi, Ovomit, Loretta Lunchmeat, Whoppie-shi-Goldberg, Romney, Kamala, Waltz–the list is endless. What I want to know is why no one is calling out the Fake Joe Biden–the guy the withdrew from the race and installed Kamel Toe is flat not Joe Biden. no amount of airbrushing is going to change the teeth. And how come one fake Joe is six-inches taller than the other fake? Three fakes being used and that is a special kind of Treason especially since the real Joe is likely dead.

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