Border Patrol Agent’s Firearm Revoked After Whistleblowing in New Film

In a recent exposé by undercover journalist James O’Keefe, a Border Patrol whistleblower revealed the stark reality of the ongoing U.S. border crisis. The film, titled Line In The Sand, uses hidden cameras and raw testimonials to highlight the migrant industrial complex, Mexican freight trains used by migrants, cartel tunnels, and U.S.-funded child detention camps.

Following the film’s release, one of its most outspoken participants, Border Patrol Agent Zachary Apotheker, faced immediate repercussions. Apotheker, who courageously appeared in the documentary to expose the failings of U.S. border policies, announced that his government-issued firearm was revoked just one day after the film went live.

“I am Border Patrol Agent Zach Apotheker. Just one day after my appearance in James O’Keefe’s film Line In The Sand, my government-issued firearm was revoked,” Apotheker explained. The revocation was allegedly due to breaches of security and integrity policies, though specific details were not provided by the authorities.

Apotheker’s involvement in the documentary, which is now streaming on the TCNetwork, made him a target of internal scrutiny. Despite the consequences, Apotheker stands by his decision to speak out, stating, “I took an oath to defend our Constitution and to protect the American public. This has been the greatest honor of my life. Yet, when you’re truly over the target, you become the target.”

The film itself serves as a scathing critique of the U.S. border management system. It reveals how criminals, including convicted murderers and rapists, remain at large after entering the country illegally, all while dedicated border agents like Apotheker face punitive measures for blowing the whistle.

The timing of Apotheker’s firearm revocation has sparked debate over the treatment of whistleblowers in government agencies. Supporters of Apotheker argue that his punishment is an attempt to silence dissent and cover up the failings of the U.S. border security apparatus.

As the border crisis continues to grow, Line In The Sand offers a sobering glimpse into the dangers and dysfunctions at the U.S. southern border, with whistleblowers like Apotheker risking their careers to bring the truth to light.


Zachary Apotheker appeared in O’Keefe’s film because he just couldn’t sit back silently as children are trafficked, raped and abused.

Earlier this week he received a memo from US Customs and Border Protection demanding answers about his involvement in the documentary.

Zachary Apotheker responded with fire.

“The only compensation I received and benefited from was a free, clean, and clear conscience because I told the truth to the American Public and fulfilled my duty to the Constitution,” Apotheker said.

“There are over 300,000 missing children that the Department of Homeland Security has admittedly not been able to keep track of,” he said.

“I received all the necessary approval I needed from the United States Constitution,” he added.



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