llegal Alien Voter Registrations – How to Attack It and Prevent This Fraud Before 2024

How to Find Illegal Voters on State Voter Rolls – Same Way We Find Transients

The Fractal team is working with legislators and voter integrity teams in several states to find illegal alien voter nests and eradicate them.

As the growing list of Fractal videos on Omega4America.com demonstrates – finding illegal aliens is no different than identifying transients – registered by NGOs (non-governmental organizations) – only the victims have been changed.

Illegal aliens are currently gathered in the same way college students, homeless people, transients, rehab patients were gathered by NGOs for decades!

Relational technology – as we show in our Georgia, Minnesota, Mississippi, Texas and other videos on Omega4America.com – is blind to these transients – accumulating at these addresses for over 20 years.

Registering illegal aliens is the current variant of a strategy used by Leftist NGOs for 20 years – register transients, collect their ballot, and vote when needed.