AOC Warns Democratic ‘Elites’ Want Both Biden and Harris Off 2024 Ticket

Democrats Seek Harris’s Removal from Ticket Alongside Biden: Ocasio-Cortez

In a surprising revelation, New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has highlighted a growing movement within the Democratic Party to remove Vice President Kamala Harris from the 2024 presidential ticket. This internal push, according to Ocasio-Cortez, extends beyond Harris and includes President Joe Biden himself.

Internal Struggles within the Democratic Party

In a recent interview, Ocasio-Cortez expressed concerns about the Democratic Party’s strategy for the upcoming election. She suggested that there is significant apprehension among party elites regarding the current administration’s ability to secure a second term. “There are a lot of folks in the party who are considering the future and think that both Biden and Harris should step aside,” Ocasio-Cortez stated. These comments reflect a broader sentiment that the current administration may not be the strongest contenders to face an increasingly competitive political landscape in 2024. Harris, in particular, has faced criticism for her performance and public perception, which some believe could hinder the party’s chances.

The Case Against Kamala Harris

Vice President Kamala Harris, once heralded as a groundbreaking figure in American politics, has struggled to maintain favorable approval ratings. Her tenure has been marked by challenges, including her handling of the border crisis and her perceived lack of visibility on key issues. Critics within her party argue that she has failed to establish a strong leadership presence. The dissatisfaction with Harris is not limited to her public image. Some party insiders have expressed concerns about her ability to galvanize the Democratic base and appeal to swing voters. “There is a real fear that she might not be able to bring in the votes we need to secure the election,” one party member anonymously disclosed.

Biden’s Position Also Under Scrutiny

President Joe Biden, despite his long-standing political career, has not been immune to scrutiny. His age and health have been points of contention, with questions arising about his stamina for another demanding campaign and term in office. Additionally, his administration has faced significant criticism over economic policies and foreign affairs, which have led to wavering support even among Democrats. Ocasio-Cortez’s remarks underscore the urgency felt by some Democrats to reassess their strategy. “We need to be realistic about our chances and make the tough decisions now, rather than facing defeat later,” she warned.

Conservative Perspective on Democratic Infighting

From a conservative viewpoint, the internal discord within the Democratic Party signals a lack of cohesive leadership and vision. The push to replace both Biden and Harris reflects deep-seated concerns about their capabilities and the party’s direction. Conservatives argue that the Democrats’ inability to rally behind their leaders showcases a broader instability that could be advantageous for the Republican Party. The conservative critique also extends to the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, represented by figures like Ocasio-Cortez. There is a belief that the radical elements within the party are contributing to its fragmentation. By pushing for significant changes at the top, progressives are seen as undermining the stability necessary for a unified front in the upcoming election.

Potential Impact on 2024 Election

The implications of this internal strife are significant. Should the Democratic Party decide to replace both Biden and Harris, it would mark a dramatic shift in their strategy. The selection of new candidates would require careful consideration to balance experience, public appeal, and policy positions. Moreover, this move could also affect voter confidence. The perception of instability and lack of confidence in their current leaders might lead some voters to question the party’s overall competence. This scenario could create an opening for Republican candidates to capitalize on the perceived disarray within the Democratic ranks.


As the Democratic Party grapples with internal challenges and strategic decisions, the 2024 election looms ever closer. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s candid revelations about the party’s desire to see both Biden and Harris step aside highlight the ongoing debate about the future direction of the party.