A W Tozer once said: “A scared world needs a fearless church”. We praise God that there are, even in this late hour, many remnant and fearless churches and ministries worldwide that the Lord is using to stand against the tide of evil and proclaim the hope of the gospel. However, we must also recognise that not all of the church body is fearless – there a good many who are fainting.

Do you remember the account of Elisha and his servant? The king of Syria (some translations will refer to Aram) was becoming increasingly frustrated that his invasion of Israel was continually being thwarted. They would repeatedly send raiding parties against Israel and each time their strategies failed. Yet, they were relentless and would not give up.
Sound familiar! Anyway, the king was convinced he had a traitor in his midst, until somebody informed him that Elisha was receiving information directly from the One who sees all. So, he sends a great army to capture Elisha. 2 Kings 6:14: “Therefore he sent horses and chariots and a great army there, and they came by night and surrounded the city.”
One man against an entire army doesn’t sound all that fair. But here is where the story takes a dramatic twist, summed up in three words: panic, peace and prayer.
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