DOJ Spokesman Blasts Trump Cases as ‘Perversion of Justice’

Top DOJ Spokesman Calls Trump Cases ‘Perversion of Justice’ on Hidden Camera

A top spokesman for the Manhattan U.S. Attorney’s Office has sparked controversy after being caught on hidden camera, criticizing the prosecution of former President Donald Trump. The video, captured by undercover operatives, shows the Department of Justice (DOJ) official candidly calling the Trump-related cases a “perversion of justice.

Nicholas Biase, chief spokesman for the Manhattan US Attorney’s Office, was secretly recorded tearing into the progressive prosecutor during a recent conversation with a so-called undercover operative from conservative podcaster Steven Crowder’s “Mug Club.”

“Honestly, I think the case is nonsense,” Biase was filmed saying to an unidentified woman on July 31 at what appears to be a bar.

These comments have fueled ongoing debates about the impartiality of Trump’s legal battles, particularly as they unfold amid the heated backdrop of the 2024 presidential race.

Hidden Camera Footage Raises Concerns

The hidden camera footage was released by a conservative investigative organization known for its undercover work. The DOJ spokesman, whose identity is now public, expressed frustration over the prosecution’s handling of Trump’s legal matters. “It’s a perversion of justice,” he was heard saying in reference to the multiple cases brought against Trump, particularly by New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

The spokesperson suggested that these legal efforts are more about politics than law, further alleging that some within the legal community share this view but refrain from speaking out due to fear of professional consequences.

The release of the footage has led to widespread discussion among conservative circles, many of whom have long questioned the legitimacy of the cases against Trump. Trump himself has repeatedly characterized the investigations as politically motivated, and this hidden camera footage seems to bolster that claim for his supporters.


Criticism of Alvin Bragg’s Role

The spokesman didn’t hold back in criticizing New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg, whose office has been at the center of the prosecution efforts. Bragg was responsible for bringing a 34-count indictment against Trump earlier this year, focusing on alleged hush money payments made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels during the 2016 presidential campaign.

In the hidden camera video, the DOJ official was explicit in his skepticism of Bragg’s motivations, stating that the district attorney’s pursuit of Trump appears to have political undertones. “There are people at the top who care more about the optics and the politics than the actual law,” he said. The comment echoed sentiments voiced by many on the right, who view Bragg’s actions as part of a broader effort to weaken Trump’s chances in the upcoming election.

Bragg has not responded directly to the video, but his office has previously defended the indictments, arguing that no one is above the law. Nevertheless, these new revelations have added fuel to the fire for those who question Bragg’s impartiality.

Legal Experts Weigh In

Conservative legal experts have voiced concerns that the cases against Trump may be indicative of a broader erosion of legal standards. The spokesman’s comments reinforce the belief that political bias is playing a significant role in the pursuit of Trump.

Renowned legal scholar Alan Dershowitz, for example, has stated that the cases, particularly the one spearheaded by Bragg, set a dangerous precedent for the legal system. “When the legal system becomes a tool for political ends, it ceases to function as a justice system,” Dershowitz warned in previous interviews.

Many on the right see this hidden camera footage as proof that the legal establishment has become weaponized against Trump and other conservative figures. For them, the notion that some DOJ officials harbor doubts about the legitimacy of these cases is particularly troubling.

Broader Implications for Trump’s Campaign

The emergence of this footage could have significant implications for Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign. The former president has consistently framed the charges against him as a witch hunt orchestrated by the political left. The leaked video is likely to embolden his supporters, many of whom believe the legal system is being unfairly used to derail his campaign.

Trump has already responded to the hidden camera footage, stating in a recent social media post that the video proves what he has been saying all along. “They’re not after me, they’re after you. I’m just in the way,” Trump wrote, reaffirming his stance that the legal cases against him are an attack on the conservative movement as a whole.

Calls for Investigation

In the wake of this video, several Republican lawmakers have called for an investigation into the conduct of both the DOJ and Alvin Bragg’s office. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan has stated that the footage warrants further scrutiny, suggesting that the DOJ may not be as neutral as it purports to be.

“The American people deserve to know if their justice system is being weaponized for political purposes,” Jordan said in a statement. The congressman’s remarks align with a growing sentiment among conservative leaders that the legal cases against Trump are part of a coordinated effort to suppress conservative voices.


The release of this hidden camera footage has provided fresh ammunition for those who argue that Trump is being unfairly targeted by the justice system. With the 2024 election on the horizon, these revelations are likely to further polarize an already divided electorate. Whether or not this video will lead to any substantive changes remains to be seen, but it has certainly intensified the debate surrounding Trump’s legal battles.

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