Interview With Jeremy Hanson. Discussed Faith, Family and Country Local Living

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Welcome to the Eric Thompson Podcast, your go to source for politics, local and national news, pop culture, and the heartbeat of small business in the Broken Arrow Tulsa, Oklahoma area. Here we don’t just cover the headlines. We celebrate the stories that inspire, uplift and bring a little joy back in your day. Whether it’s a breakthrough in local business, a national triumph.

Or just the lighter side of life. Eric is here to keep you informed, entertained, and smile and tune in and let’s dive into the stories that make our world a little brighter. Welcome to the Eric Thompson Podcast. And welcome to The r.

Thompson Show podcast. Thank you so much for joining me. I’m out here in the beautiful state of Oklahoma. I’m outside of Tulsa.

And if you haven’t been Oklahoma lately. And if you’re conservative, you need to get over here. If you’re liberal, right where you is. Thank you so much for listening in.

We have a fun show today. I have a friend of mine, Jeremy Hansen, out in Missouri. Jeremy, how you doing. I’m doing wonderful and fifty eight degrees here Deceummer, beautiful outside the sun warned the off.

I’m absolutely loving it. It’s about minus fifty here, No, it’s in the fifties. But I don’t know about you, but my wife really likes Christmas lights, and so I was behind this year, and so I decided, through some encouragement to climb up on a ladder. And being that on fifty six and not quite the man I used to be, it was interesting because I kind of learned that reminded myself that you have to clean the gutters out at least once every two years.

So it’s been it’s been. A tough day, but I’m looking forward to hanging out with you here for the next half hour. So so before before we get into you know, some of the topics and some of the things. We see in the culture are, who is Jeremy Hansen.

Well, I’m forty six years old, if you can believe that, so I’m not past midlife. I guess. I have a beautiful wife twenty two years, I’ve got thirteen kids, I’m a small business owner, and I’m a podcast a proficionado. And yet you’ve been doing this for a while.

You’ve been you’ve been dabbling and full time and for ten years or so or how long you been at. This, well, I started playing around with it in twenty fourteen. In twenty sixteen, I must have been doing something right. I got a call from a guy over on Red State Talk Radio asked me if I wanted to put my show on there, and you know which you know how it is when you when we first started podcasting.

I’m going to put my voice out there and I’m going to have a million people listen to me. That’s what I thought, And you know, so I went on that that was a big, big deal for me. I started meeting people, and I went to Soul Flow, I went to some terrestrial stations Mojo five O, Liberty one TV, and it’s just kept growing from there. But I took about a two year hiatus where I did a couple of passion projects.

But I just stopped the show because I was so sick and tired of the same thing. I was tired of being the angry guy behind the mic. I just didn’t feel like myself anymore. And so I took a couple of year hiatus, and you know, I really enjoy where I’m at here in Springfield, Missouri, the Branson area, Mountain Grove.

I you know, I really love it here and I thought, you know what, I want to bring it back, but I want to talk about good things. I want to talk about some local things. If there’s national news that happens, they hit you know in my wheelhouse that is about my area, is going to affect my area, I want to talk about it, have some fun, and try to be a good voice of change. And I’ve literally been doing it for a couple of weeks and my views are through the roof or downloads, whatever burbage you want to use, and it feels fun to be doing it again.

Yeah, when when we’re talking about our families and we’re talking about our faith in the Lord, when we’re talking about local businesses, there’s a I think both of. Us have that in common. It’s kind of a it’s our wheelhouse right where we we want local people to be successful, we want our families to be successful, we want everyone to go to heaven. So there’s a there’s a.

Yeah when when these are the topics we’re focusing on, it’s definitely a lot lighter day than trying to keep up with the news. Because even when from when we started to now with TikTok and everything else, the news is like changing every five seconds. I you can I can say something about an hour later, it’s no longer, it’s not long. You’re there.


Well, you know, there was a couple of personal experiences I had that really made me want to come forward and do this again. And you know, one of them was simply I was walking through the grocery store a Walmart, and I go buy this guy. You could tell he was a mechanic, young guy, and he’s with his wife and you know, she’s eighteen nineteen, she’s got a baby on her hip. You know, typical young, struggling, hard working kids.

Okay, and the guy is grabbing Kraft mac and cheese and he goes to grab it and it’s like, you know, ninety eight cents and that the wife grabs it, back sets it down. She goes, we can’t afford that, and she grabs like the this thirty cent whatever cheap stuff there. And you know, to some people that might not bother, but it really bothered me because I was sitting there thinking, this guy in this gal are trying to live the American dream and they’re so strapped because of whatever that they can’t even afford to buy Craft Mac and cheese. They have to buy something else, and it’s like, I really need my voice out there.

I really need to be helping people like this that are trying to live the American dream. But they’re putting back a thing of mac and cheese for sixty cents. There’s got to be some sanity in the insanity that we’re all living. And that is what my show, Eric Thompson’s show is about.

In Christian talk, so’m I’ve been my thirty one years walking with the Lord a long time. I’ve made a lot of mistakes, Jeremy, I’ve got all the T shirts. I can tell you how not to live life. So the Lord’s been faithful to keep me through it.

I’m like Peter, you know, I have a problem of sticking my foot in my mouth. But to say that, I think the reason why I keep doing this is there seems to be like a there’s like a haze that’s come over that the millennials and the gen z is like that they can’t seem to get a footing or they can’t seem to understand get into a norm. And like you said, so then they take a job that they’re that they’re under you know, they’re overqualified for. But and maybe they’re not even dreaming anymore, so they’re not even looking to get the better job or to go to school.

And and so then they, yeah, they go to the Dollar General or to the Walmart and they get the thirty nine cent mac and cheese instead of the ninety nine and the the turkey that’s probably was left over in the processing plant, and you know, they send it to Walmart like here, please, you can’t guys, you get have this for three bucks a pound. It’s like, what is it? It’s turkey? Well even with Okay, so luckily we have craft right here in Springfield, Missouri. And I feel lucky because they provide a lot of jobs that are very good for the community. But when you look at people buying just that type of food, right, the process food, why what we buy it? Because it’s cheap, And there’s so many ways and so many things that click in my head to go through that.

Okay, Well, is this guy, this young twenty twenty one year old, hard working mechanic, him and his family they’re eating this maca chief. How good is that going to be for them? You know, when they get to be forty to fifty how long is this this period that they got to act like this gonna laugh? Is he going to be able to have another child? Are they going to have to have a good American family? Is this guy also struggling with insurance? You know, all these things pass through my head, and I guess beings that I have a bunch of kids myself, and I’ve seen them struggle, and I’ve seen their triumphs and I’ve seen their losses, and I just wonder without people trying to make sense of this for the young peopeople especially, they’re not learning our history, They’re they’re not learning anything about economics. They’re pretty much just being told what to think by the legacy media. And that was a big part of me coming back and doing this.

Yeah, when I get my coffee daily, I go to a local coffee place called seven Brew and there’s about eight or nine high school early twenties that work there, and I been, you know, just talking to him in the morning. And in general, they’re they’re like living in a community that’s growing too fast. And even here in Tulsa, a lot of illegal aliens have come in and the rants have gone up like forty percent the last three years. And they don’t even know why.

They’re like, I can hand a Ford anything. It’s like, well, are you for legal immigration? Well I think anyone should come here. And I’m like, what do you do? Realize supply and demand too many people? All right, so the employers pay life us and the and the landlord’s charge more. And and if you, if you, if you don’t, if you don’t learn, if you since you didn’t learn that in high school, obviously you don’t want to support the importation of twenty million people when it’s going to increase your cost of living and keep your wages stignant.

And but they don’t. But see they we we the people us in the four I’m in my I’m fifty six US. You know, older. Millennials, gen you know Gen xers, we’ve got to now step up because we are going to be soon.

You know, the baby boomers are in their sixties, seventies, eighties, and we’ve got to get We’ve got to encourage people and educate people, and and to that, you’ve got to start to you’ve got to start to demand that the American system, local, state, federal, looks out for the citizen first. And and you can you can’t we can’t be worried about the guy in Angolia when we keep when there’s that’s down the street who can’t get food. And it’s a strange thing. The way that people.

Live on the internet is though that’s a reality. You know, the reality is here for me is Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. This is this is my reality. But you know, I I love that way of thinking because you know, we’ve been doing this for years, We’ve been broadcasting for years.

We’ve sat down with the thinking heads, which might I add a lot of the the conservative talk radio people. That was one thing that burnt me out because they lived one way, but they would talk on the radio another way. And hypocrisy is something I absolutely hate. But you know, when it comes to these guys, you lose faith, you lose your heroes.

Like you know, if you’ve ever heard that thing beware of meeting your heroes, Well that’s a real thing and I’ve seen it with my own eyes, and you know, it takes guys being in a local community to affect change in a good way. It can also happen in a bad way, but at least at the local level, I think people have a handle on who they who is in their community that is good or bad. And the founders of our nation, this was their idea local state. That’s why our House members are re elected every two years.

They are supposed to be getting our feedback and going to Congress saying Oklahoma needs this, and if they don’t do that, then we every two years ago austill the waste. You know, you’re out of here. But the system became so focused on the presidency and DC and the federal government. Then what happened is is people locally just started putting their head down, going to work, working two jobs and thinking it’s because I’ve met I know several people.

That before this last election pretty much written off, you know what I mean. So from from a macro point of view, not from the local guy in Springfield, all the countries, the country is over, I go, not in not in Oklahoma. Right, So we. Got to get back to because the only way you’re really going to fulfill your walk with the Lord is to live, to live right, to do the good works that were set out before you were even born, and to make a difference, and to invest in your children and your wife and the community.

Instead of going what is what are the fifty three Republicans going to do in the Senate. Right, Well, yeah, I think it goes past that, Eric, I really do. Like I remember jumping in the car, you know, eleven twelve years old. We jump in, We go up to the lake.

Me and my mom, my sister, you know, her boyfriend. We go up to the lake. You get up there, there was tons of people playing football, throwing the frisbee. There’d be a you know, an ice cream shot right next to it.

You know, your feet would be going through the sand, just burning a little bit, and you’d run down to the water and cool your feet in the water, run up, get some ice cream. And it was such a blast. It was like actually going out and living life. And I really feel bad for the kids today in all across America.

They’re way overweight compared to what we used to be. They’re way over medicated, and they’re stuck behind these screens. They’re literally living their lives through the phone screen, a computer screen, or a video game TV screen. Well, okay, I know this is obvious.

So for you as listening wherever you’re at, you’re gonna say, duh, Eric, So Jeremy helped me understand this. Okay, we know we know that the Internet is not reality. Okay, so correct, Okay, So if I don’t watch these videos, I know people watch TikTok for eight hours a day, But what is it that people cannot go to a local restaurant with their family where they can’t leave their phone in the car? I mean, I’m seeing even here, I’m seeing for a family of four or five in a local restaurant, they’re all on their phones. Yeah, what is what? I don’t even know how they date today? I know, Eric, here’s the thing.

I think that everybody, you know, like young guys, young gals, they’ll watch these movies, right, and they’ll see these first person actors. You know, they’re heroes. You know, they’re doing that type of stuff. And I tell people every single day, quit being the person that’s getting paid in the movie to stand on the side and doesn’t have a line and just walking down the street, and start being that first person hero in the movie.

Start living your own life, Start living your own adventure movie. Because that’s literally what God has intended for us was to go out and love this life. Literally, that’s this is what this is a gift He’s given us with this life. And I feel like some people wasted it.

Well, I can’t tell you. In the seventies and eighties, you know, when Star Wars came out and then Rocky came out, the idea was to see the hero, to see the underdog, and then to go out and be the underdog and win. I mean there was like, I’m gonna be Rocky, right, So the little boys would be boxing, I’m gonna go to the I’m gonna go learn boxing. My dad put me in boxing, and I wanted to be Rocky, right.

I didn’t sit in the couch going boy, it should be cool to be a good boxer exactly. Yeah, because we really didn’t have that option, like you were gonna go out and do something, because children were not supposed to be heard and they were not supposed to be seen until presented. That’s right. But but my mom and dad they worked hard.

But when I got up, I bae. Especially in the summer, when I got up, it was just full boar. Right. So so we’re just knocking on doors, get out here, let’s go.

We would crash on our bicycles, we would run into walls, we would get hurt tackling each other. But some but you learn that way, how to deal with pain, how. To deal with people you like and don’t like, And you learn what you’re good at and what you’re not good at. So by the time you grow up, you’re like, you know, I’m really bad at basketball, I’m not playing that anymore, or or I can’t be around arrogant people like that because I want to punch them in the face.

You know, you learn. But if you’re but if you if. Your identity is one one friend that you talk to on Facebook or X or whatever, and everybody else in your world is online, I just I think that’s why we need to start challenging people to be getting out of their house and put the phone away for our nation’s sake, right, So it’s for their sake, it’s for their family’s sake, it’s for liberty’s sake. It is that is what the message has to be.

There’s truth there, and and why don’t you just go out and take risk and and and be challenged and then people and walk in humility, but walk in confidence. And I mean, like, for example, here here is a story that we were talking about quickly. There’s a lot of narratives that I see coming around even around town. I hear people repeating the same things.

Isn’t that weird? Where I can be I can go and watch a broadcast in Missouri and watch it in Oklahoma and California and everybody’s. Talking the same way. Yeah. Yeah, it’s kind of weird because it wasn’t like that when I grew up in Iowa.

We were totally different than in California. But the meat packers, the argument I’ve been hearing is even even from conservatives, well we can’t deport the illegals. Who’s going to mow our yards? I’m like, you sound you know that sounds racist. So I don’t know if it’s racist, but I will I will say this for sure.

I know exactly what you’re talking about. Because the left, the anti Christian, the anti American lap Marxist sit there and they will say to you like, are you going to pay more for your fruit? Are you going to pay more for that product? Because you sent those illegal immigrants home acting like they care about them. And I say to them, are you really still stuck paying people’s slave labor wages? And that’s usually when they get really mad and quit talking to me. That’s what it is.

I’ve even heard this here I mean, it’s I’ll never forget it. I was talking to people family, and it’s like, you know, uh, you know, my son, I have a you know, they’ll say I had a sixteen year old son. You know, he’s looking for something to do. And I said, well, McDonald’s is paying like whatever, twelve thirteen bucks an hour and he goes.

They said to me, I’m not gonna have my kid work at a fast food restaurant. I’m like, what, I don’t get that. It’s like, you know, I’m a true believer. Some people disagree with me on this, Eric, but I’m a true believer that as a person, as a family, with a marriage, everything that’s important in life, with your walk with God, all of those things are in betterment because of hard times, because of struggle, because of putting, being put through the forge.

Like you literally get forged by hard times by walking the path like you just said, Literally, a kid going and getting a job somewhere that he hates it, you know, at some fast food place that you know he doesn’t like going to work. But what is it teaching him? Man, I don’t want to do this. I really want to do something different. When I get out of high school, I got to show up on time.

You know what, the world is full of a holes and I’m going to have to work with some You learn all those lessons in places like that, And I think it’s a natural progression. And I think that the hard times are the best times, at least when it comes to the content of your character. And like I said, it’s whether it’s your walk with God. If you always had it easy, what good of state or with your marriage.

If you don’t go through the hard times, you literally can’t appreciate the good time. That’s right. Well, okay, so so when when did you start working? When was the first not not not taking out the trasher, mom, but when was the first time you did anything and got paid on a basis? Well, I was twelve years old. Was my first like going out for somebody else? And I went to the neighbors and asked for a job, and he gave me a job popping and hanging tobacco.

And it was some of the hardest work I’ve ever done in my life. And then for the next few years until I turned sixteen, I worked at a horse farm. I picked up odd jobs. I did tobacco, I did hey, I did rock picking, you name it.

I did it to make money, and I saved I saved a lot of money. So it was and it was hard work. I mean, I’m talking about backbreaking work. And those farmers back then, you know, oh you’re going to be on the football team.

You’re you really got to build muscle, get out there and work, work, work, If you know what I’m saying. Well, why did you do those jobs? Couldn’t you? Aren’t those the kind of jobs that only legal should do according to these people, I mean, how amen, why did you do those I mean, what was wrong with you? Exactly? It literally did teach me content of character. It made me who I am today. It made you know what, I haven’t picked a rock out of a field for money for quite quite some time now.

When I first bought my farm ten years ago, we were out there picking up rocks, but it was for my own benefit. But it just I had this rush of memories that came back, and it really did make me appreciate my first job when I was sixteen, and that job made me appreciate my first real job when I turned seventeen. Yeah, my first my first job was seven years old, delivering newspaper and I had to collect the money and people. Would stiff me.

So here’s this little kid going to I’m doing the newspaper. And then I did a penny saber and then I worked in the cornfield. So I worked in the fields, the tasseling corn that’s where you that’s where you walk in mud and the when you’re a little kid, the blades of the corn stock is hitting you in the face and you go to pull this tassel out so it can pollinate. And sometimes you grab a bunch of bugs and you’re walking in mud.

And you did that for about ninety dollars or two miles of walking. So but I never said this was back in the seventies early eighties. I never said to myself, I’m better than this, or why am I? Why am I working in the farms? Why? I just saw, well, you know, I worked. I went out and bought my first Van Halen album and I bought stuff and I felt like a man.

I was a little kid, but I had money and I got to go to the record store back then and I got to buy my favorite albums and I was And then I ended up washing dishes at fourteen, where you had to be on time and then sixteen burger king. But to say all that. There’s the the globalists are right now. They’re putting out press releases and there’s a I guess there’s a poultry kind of a yeah, poultry industry news website called avinews dot com.

But they said that the poultry industry relies heavily on immigrant labor. Most of many of these are undocumented and their roles are crucial and processing plants and farms. Now, Jeremy, can, can American citizens work at chicken processing plants for twenty dollars an hour? I mean absolutely they can. So I don’t know what the problem is here.

As a matter of fact, another expert in the industry, he came out, He’s like, well, hold on a second, No, it actually this isn’t how it’s going to work if the people are deported. He said that, No, what happens is is when if twenty million people leave, there’s going to be less demand for the chicken. So they’re going to have to lower the prices to get people to buy the chicken, and that to get the workers to replace the illegal aliens, they’re going to have to pay the American citizens more so, in the end, we’re actually going to have cheaper chicken at the grocery store with people getting paid a livable wage. They try not to let the American people know that, but that’s true in many, many industries.

Now, I want people to keep in mind, how long have we had green cards? Derek oh and forty years? Thirty years? I don’t know. I don’t know when they started him? So did green cards just go away all of a sudden? I mean, is it hard for workers to get a green card that we can actually get their taxes and stuff like that. I don’t know. They just don’t need them.

They they’re not they’re not making them getting them, they’re giving them. They’re giving them a asylum hearings eight years from now, and they don’t have to do all. That, right, And you know this after what what is it after three months? The chances that I’m actually showing up for their hearings, it is something very dismal, like less than ten percent of the people actually even show up for their hearings. Well exactly.

And see but here, okay, I’m gonna I’m gonna go ask talk to you about this, Okay, So I believe I believe there’s a tsunami coming. And this is because I lived in California for thirty years. On and off, I did uber rides around Google and Facebook and Yahoo and I and I talked to the AI teams back in twenty fourteen fifteen. These processing plants are actually going to be automated in the next five five years or so.

So if you have, if you keep bringing in laborers that you say you must have, and then automation takes the jobs, what do you do with the thirty million people if you’re not if you’re not making them get it, learn English, not making them most of them will learn, but you’re not making them You’re not making them understand our history. You’re not making them become a citizen. You’re giving them free medical you’re giving them huge tax credits. So what happens when automation AI all this hits and and a lot of the service jobs go away, and we’ve brought in all these people who morally, then would you and I be on the hook or the people listening to this podcast would would we morally be on the hook for these people since our government brought them in and now they can’t make a living.

I mean, look, at this dilemma. Unfortunately, I think that we’ve already crossed that bridge. I know, I as a conservative Christian, I have a lot different viewpoint on this than a lot of conservatives do. And the problem I have with it is I know for a fact that different people in our government and NGOs for the people that don’t know what NGO that non government or non governmental organizations like Catholic charities, we’re working with political systems in America and being paid to bring these people up here.

And they were being told bring your families, bring your family, and then when they got up here, then you saw the borders open. I mean, I don’t think that anybody can argue that the border wasn’t open. And then, as just like a talking head moment, you get Biden and Kamala to get up there and say stop, stop, don’t cross the border illegally, even though their people are the ones that told them to come here to begin with. Okay, so I find myself in a moral conundrum.

The first thing I would do is every single criminal that from another country that’s in our country, I would deport them immediately. I would also take anybody that didn’t come here the right way where they came and they claimed asylum, I would send them back with a way to come back legally. And the ones that actually came here for asylum reasons, then the American people are going to have to start spending some money because did they come in and did they use our asylum system or they actually here for the right reasons, because you know what happened, they started leveraging and manipulating our asylum laws and they were taught to do that by American attorneys and NGOs. Am I wrong, No, And from what the numbers are according to you know, the borders are Tom Homan who’s coming in, over ninety percent of people that quote unquote were told to claim asylum are never going to They would not actually get asylum if they actually went through the process.

But there’s so many of them now that the belief is by a lot of people, what’s too late. They’re backed up ten years. We’re just going to have to just kind of deal with it. And we’ve been backed up ten years since twenty sixteen.

You know, if you remember, right under Bill Clinton, he talked about the eleven million illegals we had here, Okay, and then it went to Bush and he was talking about the eleven million, and you know, then it went to Obama and they talked about the eleven million, and then even into the Trump administration they were saying eleven million, but it’s probably more. And then under Biden it went back to eleven million at the beginning, and then at the end it was somewhere around twenty two million. In reality, we probably have about thirty eight to forty million illegals here. They planned this.

This was not something that and it wasn’t a Democrat thing. It wasn’t a Republican thing. A lot of the Republican donors have big companies that they want to pay slave labor wages. Then you have the Democrats that want them up here because they think that they’re going to pull like a tip O’Neil type deal where they get them here and then they’re going to make them be able to vote, which they’ve been circumventing.

I mean, we’ve got a lot of motor voter states where they specifically give illegals their licenses so they can vote. Well here. Then is the problem with that is the. Census is used to appropriate to give the represent the number of representatives in a population, so if you put ten million more people in a state, they’re going to end up getting more house seats because because they have to be represented by a certain percentage of population to each representative.

So we’re six years out. If if they’ll the criminal aliens and those who just came over inten intentionally abusing the the the asylum system, if they’re not sent out, pretty much every red state has also taken on tens of thousands of people that are going to be included in the census but for their neighborhoods. And Oklahoma is the only as of rights of this last election is the only state in America where every county went for Trump. Right, So if yourself.

You’re conservative, come on, come on to this interstate. If you’re not, don’t, because. I want you to think about this for a second. If you take the state and I’m not talking about just the city of New York, which if you’ve been to New York, you know how big it is.

It’s so big it’s hard to even put it put in comparison to anywhere else. But if you take the whole state’s population of New York, the whole state, we’re talking about Buffalo, We’re talking about all the big cities there. They have a total population of nineteen million, four hundred and sixty nine thousand people. We have double the state of New York.

So to New York states, full of illegals here in America. Yep, how do you. Deal with that? Well? I can tell you here. I can.

Okay, Well, here here is where I am on the immigration issue. And I see, I. See, I see a lot of illegal aliens here in Tulsa area because the mayor that that just turned out when we got here. Think about it.

I just moved here from California. I was excited to be in a red state. And the first thing I hear is that the mayor is saying Tulsa is an open city, which means, come on up you if you’re an illegal alien, and if you’re homeless, and we’ll take you. It’s okay.

Let me ask you this because I’m for me. It’s very straightforward. But you’re you’re nicer than me, so okay, if you Is it possible that we could actually go through the twenty thirty million people and determine who should stay and who should go? Do we how long would it take to adjudicate, to process to go through every single person, every single family. Is that is it even possible or do we.

Just have to say illegally here out and then if you were here ten years, Yeah, maybe you get on a you get on a program or something where we could bring you back once you want to do it the right way. But I hear some people saying, well, no, we just need to keep some and send some. But I don’t know how you process and go through that many people because it will time out and then it won’t happen. What’s your what’s your thoughts on how to determine what to do with the illegal aliens now that Trump’s coming in.

Well, you know, I think that it’s very difficult. I think that when you’re talking about illegal aliens it can get very divisive. However, you have to do what’s best for the US citizen first, and we live under a constitutional republic for that reason to be able to protect their interests. Now that that has not been happening, and I think before you get to anything like that, Eric, you have to, first of all, advant to the American people.

How many are here? In PolitiFact, which tends to lean to the left most of the time, actually did a story in June of this year, where Marco Rubio and other government officials said that there are more than upwards of thirty million illegals. Okay, So if that’s the case, and I’m a true believer, at thirty six to thirty eight millions, where we’re at, we got the real numbers, so we have something to work with, right, How long does it take to process a million people? Saying, well, we can’t because we’ve had like I said, we’ve had eleven million here since Clinton and that’s with the porting them. And by the way, when Obama took over, there were ten year wait lists then for them to come back to court. So the truth is we could barely if their number was correct, that they stayed at eleven million illegals and got rid of the rest.

We don’t know how many were coming into that time, because you know as well as I do, those numbers get manipulated constantly because they don’t want the American people to be angry. So if you had all the federal buildings and you started bringing these people here or there, you would have six to seven hundred thousand per state. If you brought them to the federal buildings per state, that’s impossible. When you run a docket in a race regular court, which these will be court proceedings, it won’t be just come in, you’re out.

It’s going to take time. So maybe a regular court can handle what on their docket. Maybe thirty a they right, maybe if they’re pushing it okay. So then you have all these other resources, and you’ve got other people with marriages and divorces and civil suits and other criminal problems.

It cannot it cannot be done. It is It is crazy to think that we could process them unless we stepped out of the federal arena and we had the military get involved, where the military ran them through just like they would be checking for terrorists. And unfortunately, and I’m not saying that these people are terrorists. Some are, but a lot of them aren’t.

But I’m saying unfortunately, because the laws of this country have been broken. And I’m not blaming those people, at least most of them. I’m blaming our own government for it. But because those laws have been broken, the only way that I see it to be done, and it’s going to take years to get done, will be by the military.

Which which is where the progressives, the Marxists, the open border people. Any time you you come up with a solution like that will then bam lawsuits in public uh you know, press releases and the Trumps are militarizing the country and we’re like, we’re you know, he’s a fascist. And I think my whole point with this is you and I are doing podcasts to try to encourage people to live here, to live lives that matter absolutely, and but we but if we have a federal government that is let’s look, I mean look at right, look at the people, girls that have been murdered, and people that have been robbed and shot and all over New York City, in Chicago and in LA. Can you what kind of justice can they get to the parents when their daughter was raped and beat census by a guy that was allowed to go in the country, get a felony transferred to Georgia.

So I just I don’t, I just no way if you looked at it, if you looked at a thousand people there he’ll here illegally, you could you and I couldn’t look into the crowd and go pedophile rapists. No. Let’s let’s say out of one thousand, only twenty or criminals. How we how would we figure out who the twenty are.

Okay, now this when you start talking about criminals, it starts getting a little bit easier, but you have to have an attitude that you’re actually going to go do something. They have facial recognition software basically like you remember the the eye in the sky that they were always talking about in fourteen, fifteen and sixteen, where they can track people down. Yea, Well, now they have facial recognition software that literally coming on the street that the AI is so powerful that it can take that and say with in real time, this person’s here, this person’s here. They’re really bad criminals.

If we really want to get them, we’re going to go get them, and we can get them in a reasonable amount of time. What if they came across What if they came across Venezuela gang no criminal, never been caught, and they came across the border without any being any processing, how would we What information would we have on these people? None? So that’s what I’m saying. So if they’ve been to prison, right, they’ve ever had a Facebook picture, sure, any sort of social media, then we’re going to have them. And you know, there is no catch all, perfect solution.

There’s really not. You know, it’s sometimes the Christian side of me and the political side of me are at odds. They really are. I see it from the other side.

I don’t know if you remember this, but when the under Obama, if people were claiming asylum, it was illegal for Christians from around the world to claim asylum in the United States. So under Obama, we never took not one Christian in because they literally legally couldn’t claim asylum. Then we came into the Biden years, and we had a bunch of, you know, Mexican families that came here. But the Mexican families they were against abortion, they were pro small business, and they tended to vote Conservatives.

And then guess what. Then the Biden administration stopped Mexican families from coming here to here. And then we started hearing, oh, there’s two hundred and you know whatever different countries that have people that have been coming across the southern border. People think that this was organically done, Eric, and the truth is this was being directed.

They talked about this at the or for the UN a Jena twenty twenty one, if you remember, they told us that they were going to fill up the United States they told us they were going to do this, and it was big. We got people here from different countries in Africa, Asia, I mean, you name it, they’re here. And the ones that they started letting in were the ones that hated our guts, They hated what we stood for. They will never assimilate because they want to affect change in America and they do not want this great representative republic capitalist system that we have.

They want their new ideal corporatism that will usher in socialism, and that is their plan. So with all this being said, then for me and my podcast is Christian Talk, I go one of them. I go through the Bible one chapter out of time. I’m and and so all meet people or people will you know, argue with me.

You know, oh I thought you’re a Christian. I’m like, okay, well, I don’t leave my door open and let everybody just come and live in my house and abuse my wife. You know, there’s a point, there’s a point where we can our influence. Like my my influence in the world is very very very very small.

Okay, the average person, we don’t have a lot of influence. So I want to make sure that my house and my neighborhood, and you know is Is is safe and prayed for and and we’re looking out for one another. But when it comes to the macro pictures like non terrorists walking around our country, known gang members walking around our country, I don’t want to be And this is why you’ve been you know, we’ve been talking about going local. I don’t want to sit around and talk about how bad these issues are are, because because I just need the federal government to say reset, Okay, we’ve got to disclose the Department of Education so the states can determine how to educate the children, do things that that let our let my local community and state function the way we were intended, and then we can things will fall in line.

Housing will come down, wages will go up, things will because if there’s less people pouring in an area, then the landlords can’t charge as much and everything starts to resettle in alignment with wages. That’s what I’m after. I’m after every people, for people to pursue what they feel called to do, not to be given student loans from the government so they can get a degree on advance basket weaving. In Jamaica, you know why they give kids loans to go get a degree that you can’t use, and then and then they want their college debt wiped out is totally cuckoo.

Cuckoo, So I. Don’t know that that really bothers me on a bunch of different fronts. Now, I do agree. Then in school, they were like, oh, if you don’t go get a degree, you’re never going to be nothing.

And then you kind of have watched that idealism breed and you know, evolve into the what we see today, the Ivory Tower liberals that look down and talk down to everybody about how uneducated they are and how they’re racist, misogynists, you know, how they don’t give enough money, how they’re not being taxed enough. That whole system has been designed to self destruct traditional America and what do they call it, the age of modernity where everybody’s Oh, it’s got to be the new way, the new way, the new way. What I am very excited about, Eric, especially in your Oklahoma area, in my Missouri area. You look at the gen Zs, and the gen Zs may be the most conservative people ever in America, and that gives me a lot of hope.

Sixty seven percent of them voted for Trump, and people say, oh, I can’t believe our population is getting more racist, and blah blah blah. There comes a time in everybody’s life, and I know you know this. It’s about the time you start having kids and a family and you want more and you see how much taxes they’re coming out, and you just get angry because you’re like, I don’t see the benefit for them. I don’t see the government all week and then on Friday they come and take money from my paycheck that they’ve never worked for, and I don’t see it benefiting me.

Alls I hear about on the news is that going overseas to other countries, and I want this. And there’s a shift fundamentally in their mind and they become more conservative. They want smaller government, they want less taxation, they want the government more efficient. But this idea of modernity being cool, like all the new stuff really really kind of came to a hult with millennialism, and now we’re watching that Ivory Tower thought process.

It was very, very blatant in the last election where gen Z came out sixty seven percent voted for Trump simply because they think, and I think, and most of America thinks that Donald Trump is the medicine to cure a corrupt government. Yeah, they did some polling for the gen Z Boys and they said there were a group of them that didn’t like Trump. But they said, then why did you vote for him? They said, because I don’t want to. I’m not a MAGA supporter.

They said, I’m a make American normal again. And that’s what they want. They just want normal. They want normality.

They want where people actually say hi to one another, and they go to school, and they get jobs and they can afford to have families. They just want normal. They’re not looking for a political cause, and I think I think you and I are. We’re pursuing liberty, Yes we’re we we vote conservative about I mean, I don’t have a political party.

I don’t think you have one that we could put up a banner and say this represents me in totality. Part there’s parts of the Publican Party that I you know, there’s people in the Publican Party that I wouldn’t have coffee with. Right. You know, the one thing that I want to caution people against, even if you’re not a Christian, Christian values are what built this nation.

And you people could say, well, you know this country’s been racist. Well, tell me a country that hasn’t. Tell me a country that hasn’t had problems. Tell me any country in the rest of the world, at any point in written history that has been able to pull more people out of poverty and allow them to have upward mobility in their life better than America.

You know, that’s a trick question, because there is no other country that’s been better than us at that. Now. Have we got greed problems. Absolutely? Do we have a corporatism problem, absolutely, But that is simply because the American people have not stood together.

They don’t understand the foundational principles of collectiveness as a people and the power that we carry. They don’t remember that anymore because they don’t teach it in school anymore. And the minute that people do understand that our problems are over. Eric all right, So in closing here, So okay, we’ve we’ve gone over some issues and some of it sounded, you know, on the mainstream political But what are you what do you want to try to accomplish or what what is your what’s on your heart or what what do you what do you hope to see manifest out of your podcast? Now now that we’ve kind of shifted out of hyper political and again from now, what what do you want to Jeremy Anson Podcasts to be producing? What fruit would you like to see coming out of it? I’ll talk about a story here in Springfield, Missouri that I did last week, and this is kind of like a microcosm of what I believe.

This guy came out and he wanted to do something special for charity, so he started a gingerbread house competition. And they were trying to make this gingerbread house competition here in Springfield, Missouri and beat the world record, and people could make donations, people could bring their own buildings. But it was a community event and it got really big. It didn’t quite hit the biggest ever.

But he gave all of his money to the Bruised Badge, which is a it’s a local charity here that helps police officers that have mental health problems go get the mental health things they need done. You know, these different whether it’s a you know, a psychologist, whether it’s you know, actually seeing a doctor, stuff that they don’t have money for. And I think what that shows is one guy’s vision to bring together a bunch of people for you know, a common goal, which is having people have their mental health set straight, especially the people that work for us. Now, if you take that and you apply that to the Boy Scouts, to local churches, to you know, the local food banks, to the local company that’s trying to help these homeless people find jobs, if you took that approach to all of it, and I hope that Jeremy Hanson podcasts can help with some of that, I think that our local communities would be super strong.

And if our local communities are super strong, that’s going to make our state. It’s going to catch like wildfire, and our state’s going to be super strong, and our state will then convince others and over the course of the nation, we will make America great again. And it’s pretty much what I’m doing here. I’ve been.

I want to I want to encourage people to have open dialogue. I want them not to be not to be parsing. And there’s people I talked to at these restaurants in this coffee place that we don’t agree on eighty percent. That they wear the rainbow pan and they say the certain you know whatever.

But you know, I have one girl in closing here from my from my show. I have one girl that she actually walked away from my car the first time I met her at the coffee is a drive up coffee place. All the other people that were talking to me, the other guys and girls, were We were talking about the election coming up and about the Lord, and she walked up and she heard it and she just did a U turn. Well guess what through two three months later, I’m now her favorite customer.

Yeah, she said. She told me. She goes, uh, she goes, you’re my We’re you’re my ying and I’m yang or what. She goes, whatever, we’re opposites.

But I know you care because she straightened her hair right and she I said, Hey, why’d you straighten your hair? She goes, You’re the only one that noticed. I’m like, really, okay, and on you know, and and so she knows where I’m at. She knows what I believe, and because I’m reformed, I know that I can’t make somebody believe and so I just live my life. I’m so if we could be kind people at the local level, but not give not give in on our principles and say, Okay, we don’t agree, but I I hope you guys have a great day.

I I know, I I hope you hope your son does good at at. The Lily game. I you know. And and then in the state, you know, we want legals out so we can get our cost of living down and we can have people go to work and get higher wages.

That’s not a racist issue, that’s not a political issue. So I’m hoping, hoping on New York Thompson show that we that I can get people to walk the journey of faith but in their own state and and in pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, and not be. Focused on national news. National I don’t understand why everybody keeps like, for example, why is everybody why was everybody tripping out on the insurance guy, the executive that got shot? Why Why was that affecting two hundred million people’s lives when your local community struggling.

So I think people, I think we’re like cattle, you know, sheep, Like why are we talking about as the executive got shot? It’s like what, But that’s in New York. You’re not You’re never going to you never met the guy, you don’t have that insurance company. It’s it’s not like they’re shooting executives all over. But but the news keeps you because you and I both know the more they come back, the more you can sell them ads, and the more money you can make.

And it ends up being all it’s it’s not about helping the person live a life, educating people, giving them information so they can be happy. I mean, you know, as in content in their citizenship. It’s keeping them scared and angry. And on my podcast, I know yours, we want to get more towards who was the best basketball player in history? What was the best song? What’s the best way to cook a taco? You know? And oh, by the way, there’s two political stories you need to know because it’s going to negatively affect your family.

You know. And another thing that you brought up to me, and I’m glad that we’re both going to do this. We live in kind of a special part of the world. We’ve got Southwest and Midwest all right there.

How many awesome restaurants are in Broken Arrow or Tulsa, because in Springfield, Branson around here, I’ve got a lot of really good restaurants that nobody talks about a lot. And that’s something that you talked to me about you know, expanding the vision or the people that actually know about local business. I think that that idea for you is wonderful. Yeah, I mean I go to you, I’ll go to some restaurants or talk to the people, and you know, I’m starting a local BA deal so like where you can get all the deals in town on one app.

But just talking to some of the restaurant owners, they’re kind of panicking. You know, there’s our population skyrocketing, but they’re not seeing in their doors and they’re like, hey, when are you gonna start that app? I really need more customers. And and like you’re saying, people don’t know Thai food, Chinese food, Mexican food, Indian food for Persian food. You know, there’s all kinds of different restaurants and events and things going on.

But if we’re so busy staring at our phones about national issues, we’re not living. We’re not living, We’re we’re existing in the matrix. Exactly. I was looking at that today.

I see a million stories about federal taxes and what they’re going to do, and I look at it. I’m like, you know what, I will have no effect on what happens with them, except for my singular vote and which way my representative vote. However, I look at the flat tax or this tax that’s happening in my local area, I have a direct effect. I really do matter on a local level with what taxes they do, or if they’re going to put a park here, or if they’re gonna you know, I can actually talk about like a highway being built that I wasn’t happy with, or change something because in your local community, you have power as a citizen.

And that’s what, you know, really really really makes me want to focus my podcast locally and on that. We’ll close up. So, Jeremy, thank you so much for hanging out with me. And what’s the best way for if people don’t know who you are? What’s the best way to find you? Any website, social media? How do people get away of you? The Jeremy Hanson podcast It’s on Apple podcast, It’s on Spotify, anywhere great podcasts live.

I live there also, or my wife has me on her podcast quite often. It’s called We Are the Hansons. It’s Christian marriage kids. We got thirteen kids, so a lot of kids.

People like hearing about it, and you can find us anywhere of that also, and I would love for you to come over, keep supporting Eric and come and check me out. I appreciate it. Yeah. For me, it’s Eric Thompson’s show.

You can find that on pretty much any social media platform or on wherever you download your podcasts at ET Talk Show, Eric Thompson Show. And also if you’d like to go through the Bible one chapter at a time, just me reading and commenting, download Christian Talk with Eric Thompson. Those on my two podcasts. But Jeremy, thank you so much for hanging with me and I’ll talk to you soon.

Brother. Thank you, Bye bye.