NY Times Calls Out Kamala Harris as ‘Weak’ and ‘Phony

The New York Times, a publication historically seen as supportive of Democratic candidates, has recently shifted its stance on Vice President Kamala Harris. In a striking departure from previous coverage, the newspaper published a series of opinion pieces that are openly critical of Harris, labeling her as “weak,” “phony,” and “ignorant.”

The Daily Mail reports that the criticism from The New York Times has drawn attention to several perceived flaws in Harris’s political persona, which some argue could jeopardize her future political ambitions. These opinion pieces have highlighted concerns within the Democratic Party about Harris’s ability to lead and her effectiveness as Vice President.

Harris Labeled as “Weak” and “Phony”

One of the key criticisms leveled at Harris by The New York Times is her perceived weakness as a leader. According to the Daily Mail, Harris has been described as lacking the necessary political acumen to effectively navigate the complexities of national governance. Critics within the Democratic Party have expressed concern that her leadership style is inadequate for the challenges the country currently faces.

In addition to being labeled as weak, Harris has also been called “phony.”

The Times op-eds have suggested that Harris’s political persona is inauthentic, raising questions about her sincerity and commitment to the principles she espouses. This portrayal of Harris as disingenuous could further erode confidence in her among the electorate.

Accusations of Ignorance

Perhaps the most damning critique is their accusation that Harris is “ignorant.” This label is particularly significant as it strikes at the heart of her qualifications for office. The Gateway Pundit reports that Harris’s lack of depth on critical issues has been a point of concern among some Democrats who fear that her shortcomings could be a liability for the party moving forward.

The notion of ignorance is tied to Harris’s perceived inability to effectively articulate policy positions or demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the issues facing the nation. This criticism has fueled speculation that Harris may not be the ideal candidate to lead the Democratic Party in future elections.

Implications for the Democratic Party

The New York Times’ critical stance on Harris reflects broader concerns within the Democratic Party about her viability as a future leader. As the 2024 presidential election approaches, questions about Harris’s electability have become increasingly prominent. The critiques from The New York Times may signal a shift in how influential voices within the party view Harris’s role moving forward.

It is worth noting that The Times’ decision to publish these critical op-eds represents a significant departure from the mainstream media’s typical approach to covering Harris.

This change in tone could be indicative of a growing realization within the Democratic Party that Harris’s weaknesses need to be addressed if the party is to maintain its competitive edge.

The Daily Mail reported:

Ever since President Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 election race last month, their print presses and TV networks have put in a hard shift trying to paper over Harris’s past record as the most unpopular Vice President in American history.

To read and listen to their florid praise is to believe that Harris is already a shoo-in for president – and not an 11th hour replacement as Democratic nominee…

…The reliably liberal New York Times was among the first to suddenly change tack on Friday, taking aim at what many perceive to be Harris’s fatal lack of clear policy with a brutal headline that read: ‘Joy Is Not a Strategy’.

In a sour commentary, NYT Deputy Opinion Editor Patrick Healy said he’d ‘cringed’ when former president Bill Clinton took the convention stage on Tuesday to claim that Harris would be ‘the president of joy’.

How’s that going to help the millions of Americans whose livelihoods are now at stake, Healey asked? And why has Harris failed to conduct a single interview or serious press conference since Biden stepped aside last month?

‘Ultimately, she needs more voters in the swing states to trust her to handle the economy better than her opponent… Harris can’t coast on “joy”,’ he concluded witheringly.

A Conservative Perspective

From a conservative perspective, the criticism of Harris is not entirely surprising. Many on the right have long viewed Harris as an unsuitable candidate for national office, citing her perceived lack of experience and questionable decision-making. The recent op-eds in The New York Times appear to validate these concerns, highlighting issues that conservatives have raised about Harris’s qualifications and leadership abilities.

The notion that Harris is “ignorant,” “weak,” and “phony” aligns with the conservative critique that she is out of touch with the realities of governance and lacks the authenticity needed to connect with voters. These criticisms have been amplified by the mainstream media’s sudden willingness to scrutinize Harris more closely, suggesting that even traditionally supportive outlets are beginning to recognize her shortcomings.


The sharp critique of Kamala Harris marks a significant moment in the ongoing evaluation of her political career. As she faces increasing scrutiny from both within her party and the broader media landscape, Harris’s future as a prominent Democratic leader appears uncertain.

The publication of these critical op-eds may be a turning point, prompting further debate about her role in the party and her prospects in the 2024 election and beyond.