Video Shows Alleged Ballot Tampering Involving Elderly Woman and Granddaughter

A disturbing video circulating on social media shows a woman allegedly coercing her elderly grandmother into voting for Kamala Harris in the 2024 election. The footage, which has sparked outrage online, depicts what appears to be a clear case of ballot manipulation, with the elderly woman seemingly unable to fully understand or consent to the voting process.

The woman, reportedly the elderly woman’s granddaughter, can be seen in the video standing beside her in what looks like a hospital or nursing home setting. The granddaughter, wearing a shirt emblazoned with “VOTE,” enthusiastically prompts the elderly woman, asking, “Do you want to vote for the first black woman president ever?”

The elderly woman responds with a quiet, “Yeah,” but it’s unclear from the video if she fully comprehends what’s being asked of her. Nonetheless, her granddaughter quickly seizes the opportunity and responds eagerly, “She’s a Democrat too!”

The video takes a troubling turn when the granddaughter places a pen in her elderly grandmother’s hand and begins guiding her toward a ballot. The granddaughter holds the elderly woman’s hand firmly, directing her toward the space where Kamala Harris’s name is printed. She encourages her grandmother, “Keep the pen in your hand,” while forcefully controlling her movements, leaving little room for any independent action by the elderly woman.

In a moment that has enraged many viewers, the granddaughter then completes the action by using both her hands to fill in the oval next to Harris’s name. With her grandmother’s hand held tightly, she says, “Good job, Grandma!” and excitedly removes the ballot from the table.

As the video continues, the granddaughter celebrates, saying, “You got to vote for the first woman president!” while looking proudly at the ballot she allegedly filled out by manipulating her grandmother’s hand.

The video has sparked a debate over voting integrity and elder abuse. Many people online have expressed their outrage, claiming that this video shows a blatant example of someone taking advantage of an incapacitated senior to influence their vote. Ian Miles Cheong, a well-known online commentator, shared the clip, captioning it, “This is how they’re getting Democrats to vote.”

While the video shows only one incident, it brings up a broader issue regarding the potential for voter fraud and abuse in situations where elderly or incapacitated individuals are involved in the voting process. This kind of abuse has been reported before, especially in nursing homes, where vulnerable seniors may be manipulated or coerced into voting for a candidate they may not fully understand or support.

Back in 2020, similar allegations surfaced, with whistleblowers coming forward to expose cases of voter fraud involving nursing home residents. In Michigan, representatives from the Secretary of State’s office reportedly visited nursing homes to register voters, even among residents who were incapacitated or unable to make decisions for themselves. This raised serious concerns about the legitimacy of votes cast in such settings.

In Wisconsin, during the 2020 election, the Gateway Pundit reported that several nursing homes across the state had suspiciously high voter turnout rates. During an informational hearing held by the Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections, Special Counsel and Former Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman presented evidence of possible voter fraud. The investigation revealed that in several nursing homes funded by the Zuckerberg-supported Center for Tech and Civic Life, voter turnout was abnormally high, with some homes recording turnout rates between 95% and 100%. This was far above the national average turnout rate, which stood at 67% in 2020.

Justice Gableman shared stories of several Wisconsin families who discovered that votes had been cast in their loved ones’ names, despite these individuals being incapacitated or legally unable to vote. The situation was particularly egregious in nursing homes, where some residents were taken advantage of without their families’ knowledge or consent.

Attorney Eric Kaardal, who worked alongside Gableman during the investigation, played heartbreaking videos during the hearing, showing the impact of voter theft on vulnerable seniors. One specific case involved a legal ward named Sandra Klitze, who was unable to make decisions for herself due to her incapacitated state. However, someone at her nursing home had allegedly voted in her name during the 2020 election.

Kaardal condemned the actions of those who exploit the elderly for political gain, stating, “It takes a special kind of evil to abuse disabled seniors in such a manner.” The incidents that surfaced in Wisconsin raised questions about the integrity of voting practices in nursing homes, and the most recent video involving the elderly woman and her granddaughter has only added fuel to the fire.

The case of the elderly woman in the viral video is yet another disturbing example of how vulnerable individuals can be exploited in the voting process. As investigations continue and more awareness is raised, advocates are calling for stricter safeguards to protect the elderly from being taken advantage of in the future. Whether this particular case will result in legal action remains to be seen, but the video has certainly reignited concerns about voter fraud and elder abuse in the 2024 election.

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